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You want to lip-sync and have hours of fun entertainment with yourself or with friends over funny songs? It’s time to try out Wombo which supports lip-syncing.

Introduce about Wombo

Create your own lip sync clip with just a few simple steps on mobile!

What is Wombo?

Based on the power of modern AI smart technology, with advanced self-learning ability, Wombo has created a simple, easy-to-use lip sync clip creation feature that is extremely entertaining.

True to the description of the app, with a few steps on Wombo, you will quickly get a skillful lip-syncing clip, which is unmistakable in your own face. Share this lip-syncing clip on social networks or send it to friends and family, and you will immediately have a good laugh with everyone. This fun lip-syncing effect is highly contagious. You would be proud if you were the first one to come up with these funny jokes for your whole group of friends again.

Is Wombo difficult to use?

Using Wombo is very easy. You just need to choose a music video you like and want to act as a singer. Be it videos available on the app or any quality video available from music sites. Then put in Wombo. Then choose to add a clear picture of your face to load into the app.

Wait a moment, Wombo will perform the mixing operation, changing your face into the singer’s face. As a result, after just a few seconds, you have a standard lip-sync video without editing. Your face in the other clip moves smoothly, lip-syncing to match the song’s melody and lyrics. In a moment, you have completely “transformed”, turning into a professional singer with a beautiful voice and excellent dancing.

What mechanism does Wombo work on?

Wombo can stitch photos of your face into the singer’s face in every music clip and can also actively create movements that match the singer’s lip-lips to the tune of the song. Everything happens naturally, without revealing any traces of attachment, and the rhythm of the lip joints is a bit standard.

To do this, the app uses DeepFake technology, which is developed from an advanced AI platform.

Let’s talk about DeepFake a bit more. This is a branch of applications of AI, which is responsible for creating expressions for any static image. Facial muscles, lips corners, eye movements, and other facial expressions can all be created according to the required purpose. DeepFake has undergone a long time of “deep self-learning” from millions of human faces around the world based on huge data stores. Learning to record movements from so many faces has made the technology even smarter. It can follow, speculate and infer the next movements of the human face.

Applying this modern technology to programming, Wombo has created lip-syncing works with lifelike movements. You can’t even tell if you or the singer is singing.

How to use Wombo wisely?

Like many other AI-based apps, if not used for legitimate and transparent purposes, it can cause unpredictable harm. So is Wombo.

As a wise user, you should only play Wombo when you want to entertain yourself and enjoy yourself on a different funny side. Or use it to tease your friends. Use your own image to put into this lip-syncing, playing on your own face, not someone else’s.

It is not difficult to take advantage of Wombo to invade other people’s privacy by putting their images in sexy music videos, or with violent elements or any other indecent clip. But that’s not the right thing to do. Use Wombo as a pure, harmless entertainment app. So Wombo its own and similar entertainment apps on the phone are still alive and promoting their useful role.

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Wombo is an app that creates lip-syncing clips using AI – DeepFake smart motion creation and photo collage technology. It’s time for you to have fun on social networks with a clip of yourself singing and singing like the real thing.

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