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March 27, 2024
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In this era where anyone can take photos, people’s need to take photos and have beautiful pictures is very high. Just lift up your smartphone and open the camera, take a snap and you already own a photo. However, how to make that photo beautiful and sparkling is another story. You will have to pose, adjust the shooting angle, and get the light. And even that sometimes doesn’t satisfy us. So the best solution to help you own a perfect photo is to download a professional photo editing application. Among them, the Pixlab application is considered a reasonable choice with many extremely useful features.

Introducing Pixlab

Pixlab is a professional photo editor released by Lyrebird Studio in 2016. With hundreds of image editing features, you can easily turn seemingly ordinary photos into more vivid and impressive photos than ever.

Basic editing

One of the most basic features of Pixlab is the application’s professional photo collage ability. The application will assist you in cutting a detail in a photo out of that photo or merging an outside object into an existing photo easily. In addition, this collage feature also helps you combine multiple independent photos into one frame, creating unique collages.

Besides, you can also help you adjust brightness and contrast in the most basic way. There are quite a few options in this feature and you will directly adjust them at each level so that you feel okay.

Super unique filter

With a diverse library of effects and filters, Pixlab gives you many, many interesting options to create unique photos. Pixlab is not an application specializing in makeup editing, so its main effects are somewhat different from those of B623 or Photify AI. Pixlab’s effects and filters will tend to highlight photos taken in a cool, mysterious and somewhat “artistic” style. Some of Pixlab’s outstanding effects include classic movies, classic 90s effects, golden hour trends, black and white, color splash art, hand-drawn sketches, neon art…

Create collage photos

One of the features that Pixlab is most proud of is the ability to create unique collage photos. If you know about collage, you will know that although this type is very eye-catching, it is not easy to do. If you want to do it on your phone, you have to be extremely skillful and meticulous. Yet for Pixlab, it’s very simple!

Pixlab provides tools to create beautiful collages from your favorite photos. Integrating with available collage templates and customization features, you can easily create unique paintings in this artistic style. Overall, Pixlab will give you both ideas and implementation tools. If you are passionate about this type of artistic image, this application is really for you.

Useful background eraser

There are many cases where you take a photo that makes you look very satisfied, your charisma, style, design, and shooting angle cannot be faulted. But you suddenly realize that the background in the background is messy or someone accidentally entered the frame, making the photo no longer perfect. So this is where Pixlab’s background removal feature proves its capabilities.

Accordingly, this feature will help you take out the main objects of the photo, then change all the surrounding scenery with a font you like. You will not need to cut and adjust each inch to separate the main object, Pixlab will do this for you. Your job is just to choose a frame as a background for yourself to shine. Too convenient, right?

Stickers and text

If you want to put a little something in your photo, there’s nothing better than inserting text or adding a sticker to the photo. Pixlab offers a variety of fonts, sizes, and colors for you to add to your photos. If you want, you can also create animated text effects to make them more eye-catching.

In addition, the application also has a store of interesting stickers for you to choose from in your photos. These stickers have a variety of themes and moods, so you can find one that truly reflects your happy or sad mood.

Download Pixlab APK for Android

Pixlab is an application that has all the features of the world’s leading photo editor. If you want to create unique, new, and stylish photos, Pixlab is a great choice!

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