Miami Rex


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April 28, 2023
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Miami Rex from the publisher Gametornado is a pretty fun game. This time you’ll play as a hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex, help it go far, and devour everything possible to evolve into more atrocious forms.

Introduce about Miami Rex

Turn into a tyrannosaur and take eat everything on the road!

The movie Jurassic Park has become an obsession for generations partly because of the appearance of T-Rex, a dinosaur that is always obsessed with hunger, frantically going everywhere to devour every living thing it encounters on its way. T-Rex with its crazy fighting nature, always bloodthirsty, thirst for meat, and sharp jagged teeth is always the most fearsome “villain” in all artworks related to prehistoric elements and dinosaurs.

So have you ever wanted to try turning into a T-Rex? This wish can come true in Miami Rex.

Take eat everything that appears on the way

The context of the game is quite simple. On the horizontal screen, a road with moderate scenery, and a rough T-Rex dinosaur appeared and slowly walked forward step by step. That dinosaur is in thirst for blood, so let them bite and eat all that is in front of you. People, fish, wild animals, vehicles, machines… don’t leave anything out.

However, T-Rex’s eating journey doesn’t stop there.

As it devours poor humans or shoves its terrifying fang-filled muzzle into a submarine in the harbor, you’ll find the T-Rex you’re piloting aside from being constantly hungry there’s also another amazing ability – it can evolve.

When eating enough food, T-Rex will grow bigger and more muscular, and the level of brutality and ferocity also increases significantly. Soon with his food intake, the original normal-sized T-Rex quickly turned into a majestic dinosaur, literally a tyrant with thick skin, fearsome long claws, and set teeth that could not be more haunting.

Its ability to catch prey is also increasingly skilled. Instead of just using his mouth to grab small basic dishes, now T-Rex has long arms, can kick obstacles in the way, use his hands to grab everything that can be eaten quickly, and put it in its mouth.

The story is not over yet.

You can also turn the T-Rex into a ferocious, modular “warrior” that could be upgraded. Later, in addition to humans and animals from small to large, T-Rex did not hesitate to grab items made of steel such as vehicles, machines, ships, submarines, airplanes, guns, and so on. And when it swallows these things, its body begins to mechanize.

Become a killing machine

When devouring vehicles, weapons, equipment, and machinery on the road, T-Rex’s body not only turns into a machine like a real robot but also has a series of advanced weapons.

Thus, the more poisonous food you eat, the more powerful T-Rex’s fighting ability is, at the same time, the resistance and defense are also clearly stronger. It’s like you’re upgrading your own beast.

Initially transformed into a creature that mixes biological body and mechanized machine in some combat parts such as two arms, two legs, claws, fangs, and tail. Later, the more it eats, the more mechanical parts it has. And eventually, the weak T-Rex that was capable of being hurt now can become a superlative killing machine that nothing can beat.

It is also the highest realm, the ultimate level that you need to reach in this game. However, the way to get there is not easy.

People will hamper you

Nothing is easy. The same goes for T-Rex’s journey of eating raw and devouring. Despite possessing an impressively large body, the more he eats, the more he swells to reach a giant size, but before becoming an invincible mechanical thing, T-Rex is still an animal with skin meat and is as likely to be attacked as any animal.

This early period is when you are most at risk, so be very careful, eat everything you can in the shortest possible time, and avoid any potentially harmful agents on the road. Remember this time, the only thing that makes you scary is your ability to eat prey, the rest of you still have no weapons, and your body is only covered with thick skin.

Since the discovery of the rampant monster, humans have brought a lot of weapons and sent out many armies and modern vehicles to destroy the crazy T-Rex dinosaur. If you do not skillfully navigate to dodge the bullets, your T-Rex can be injured, lose blood and lead to inevitable death.

So at the same time as looking for food to improve your health, endurance, and higher mechanization, you must always be on the lookout for attacks from intelligent humans. Take great care, for humanity, has never given up on destroying a monster that threatens their peace, in this case, you. The war will escalate, and all kinds of troops, firepower, and vehicles will be called to destroy you.

Before becoming a hardy dinosaur mecha armed to the teeth, the only thing you can do is eat as much as you can and evolve as fast as possible, combined with smart moves to avoid attacks from humans.

Download Miami Rex APK for Android

Miami Rex is a fun game, the image is bold but not scary, not many gore elements. I am quite impressed with the evolution and transformation of the T-Rex, this is a great motivation to lead the monster around to eat one after another. What are you waiting for without downloading and playing right away?




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