Boxes: Lost Fragments revolves around the story of a legendary thief who can break into any magnificent mansion. There he would search endlessly, finding locked boxes, and seemingly valuable chests. Whatever was in there, on the outside it was surrounded by layers and layers of secret organs. Your mission is to break those layers of lock and find what is hidden inside.
Introduce about Boxes: Lost Fragments
Become a legendary thief and break all the treasure chests
There are some puzzle games that are simple but very interesting. The plot seems simple, the missions seem easy, but when entering each level, there are many complications, making you struggle. One of those games is Boxes: Lost Fragments.
Solve every mysterious lockbox
Like any profession, when you reach the top level, sometimes the biggest reward for you is not necessarily money or treasure, but the feeling of being overwhelmed when completing a difficult task, or the feeling of enjoyment of seeing the level of reputation increasing.
Transforming into a legendary thief in Boxes: Lost Fragments, your mission is to break into any mansion or castle, so no matter how elaborate a box/chest/structure you find, you can still open it easily. Then admire the happiness from deep inside when you know you can conquer all difficulties. The rewards that come from the items, antiques, and treasures of those chests are only part of it. Importantly, you reward yourself through the arduous process of solving the puzzle and unlocking it.
The story develops unpredictably
The starting seems simple. You have a mission to accomplish, and you just keep solving from one box to another. However, at a certain time, the story in Boxes: Lost Fragments suddenly turns in a very unexpected direction.
After decoding some boxes that looked expensive but were not sure what they were used for. You begin to see some strange signs on the grounds of this luxurious mansion. It seems that this place is not a place for people to live, but a large prison used to house someone. Or is the mansion you’re breaking into actually a giant box with the hidden item being you?
Either way, you feel quite insecure. At this point, you are no longer interested in those gorgeous chests, but only think about how to escape from here as quickly as possible.
The struggle hastily began to rekindle from this moment. Can you escape that mansion? What is going on, who is behind everything, and what are his motives? The answer is only for the person who reaches the end of the game.
Solve puzzles based on logic, geometry, and mechanics
Boxes: Lost Fragments has gameplay based on the exploration and decoding of complex mechanisms and mechanical systems. The goal is to unlock, decode, or find the way out. There are a total of 20 puzzle boxes in the game, with original designs, multiple levels, and multiple locking layers. You will solve all of these puzzles to completely unlock the box.
Each small puzzle nested in a box has a different solution. You have to use your observation, logical thinking along great determination to successfully navigate this mysterious puzzle journey.
Here’s your motivation. Each box looks like a massive organ system with many details inside. And every detail is meticulously and sharply designed. They combine, connect, and flow seamlessly, tied together in a beautifully coherent way. Observing these sophisticated organs can give you many great ideas for creating life.
MOD APK version of Boxes: Lost Fragments
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Boxes: Lost Fragments is a unique puzzle game, approaching gameplay that unlocks many complex organ systems. Being a thief is not easy, let’s download the game and play right away!
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